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Veronica Pollicino, Mezzosopranistin, beim SongFest 2019 Foto von Jeanine Hill

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Soloist/MESSIAH, Distinguished Concerts International of New York – 2022

"Mezzo-soprano Veronica Pollicino did beautifully with “Behold, a virgin shall conceive” and “O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion.” She especially impressed this listener with her refinement. Mezzos can easily emerge as overly dominant in this piece, but not so here. Her voice was ample to project through the hall, but without being overbearing."

Soloist/St. John Passion, Festival Bach Montréal – 2018

C’est d’ailleurs pour les préserver qu’à dessein je ne les nommerai pas, sauf pour saluer l’excellent Pilate de Leo McKenna et le « Es ist Vollbracht » très prometteur de la cuivrée mezzo Veronica Pollicino.”


“It is moreover to preserve them that on purpose I will not name them, except to salute the very promising “Es ist Vollbracht” by the copper-toned mezzo Veronica Pollicino.”


“Deux membres du chœur méritent toutefois une mention honorable, le ténor Benedikt Heggemann et la mezzosoprano Veronica Pollicino s’étant particulièrement distingués dans leurs passages de solistes.”


“Two members of the choir deserve honorable mention, tenor Benedikt Heggemann and mezzo-soprano Veronica Pollicino having particularly distinguished themselves in their solo passages.”


Jean de Moncerf/Le portrait de Manon, Opera McGill – 2017

“Dans le rôle travesti du jeune Jean de Morcerf, pupille de des Grieux, la mezzo américaine Veronica Pollicino est merveilleuse d’engagement scénique et de générosité vocale.”


“In the pants role of young Jean de Morcerf, pupil of des Grieux, the American mezzo Veronica Pollicino is marvelous with stage commitment/presence and vocal generosity.”



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